Friday, 28 December 2007
back from HK^^
Thursday, 20 December 2007
4 days 3 night Young christian Camp at Batu Niah
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
New Hairstyle^^
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Friday, 2 November 2007
Yay yay and yay!!!
And yay I wanna share a nice song here. Randomly heard this song, very nice and appropriate for any mood~love it~hope it touches your heart too^^
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
A little update from me
To all my bloggie readers: Wait patiently, good thing is worth your wait..cheers~
Friday, 5 October 2007
Saved by the call

Wednesday, 3 October 2007
i 'll give it 8.5/10 rating!!!

BABYLON 5 - The Lost Tales

P/s: i like Bruce Leitner..he looked smart in the movie :)
Monday, 1 October 2007
Trip to Canberra
6.00am-Departed to Canberra
around 8am- We are LOST!Luckily we found our way back after called someone for direction.
around 11.30am - Reached Canberra and we went to the Tourist Information Centre
around 12.00pm -"HUNTING"for food(Everyone looked like hungry ghost).Lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant.
around 1.30pm - Visited Old Parliament House
around 2.00pm - Strolled around Floriade and took heaps of photos
around 4.00pm - Departed to Wollongong
around 6.00pm - Had "All you can eat" dinner at Master Builder Club Wollongong
around 9.30pm - Reached home
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Ice skating
I spent most of my holidays at home. Pretty sad and restful holiday, I suppose, but luckily i managed to "out of my cage" during the weekends. Well, on Friday, i went skating at the Sydney's Entertainment Quater (EQ) with friends-1.5 hours,$18 dollars per person(include skate hire). I had a great time there but then i have to say that i'm a lousy skater because i always ended up falling^^It was so painful when you lose control or fall and then your whole body hit the iced ground (got minor cut found on my palm). *sobsob* Anyway it was fun slipping and sliding around on the ice (despite the risk of injury).ahaha~Here are some pictures we took during the day~happy viewing!!!
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Mooncake Festival 2007 (25/9/07)
This year i had an awesome night celebrating Mooncake Festival with a bunch of friends in Sydney. We had steamboat dinner at my friend's apartment. Thanks to Huiyih for offerring her place for gathering. After that we had lovely and yummy home-made cheese cake for desserts.Yum-yum!!!~thanks again to Huiyih^^ Then, we played board game while enjoyed eating our mooncakes during happy hour. It was fun! But too bad my sis and i need to leave first at around 11pm because we need to catch the last bus on 11.30pm back home while the others leave around 2am.
Lastly, here's a lantern riddles to liven up this post and for u guys to have a guess. Give it a try! HapPy guEssiNg~
Don't wash it and then it's clean;
Wash it and you can't eat it.
Don't wash it and then you can eat it."
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
My trip cancelled to Blue Mountain:(
Well, i' m a little bit upset but then never mind, there are still plenty other places i can go, maybe join a day-trip?!!!haha~~
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
1 down, 2 more to go
Well...i still need to go back and have another 2 injection on late November and early March. *Sob sob* i dislike injection!!! Anyway still be thankfulness that science has been able to protect us in some small way. So i say, thanks God for man like Professor Ian Fraser the inventor of this vaccine^^
Monday, 17 September 2007
Holidays coming up^^
Well, for this coming holiday i will off to Blue Mountain for a short break and staying overnight at a cottage near Jenolan Cave with a bunch of friends(9 of us). We will go by 2 cars and i'm one of the drivers. err...I never drive in Sydney, and not even touch the steering wheel. What does this indicate??? i cant imagine~~hmm..i would say "what an "adventurous" attempt!"~haha~ Not yet plan for the rest of the holidays, i will plan later this week. HaPpy hAppy~~~
Okay for now, i need to get all my assignments done!!! i don't wish to do assignments during my golden holidays...Holiday is Holiday!!!How's that!~haha^^
Monday, 3 September 2007
Still be Friends Forever!!!
After viewing those photos we took, then suddenly a question mark pops out from my head, "when would be the next time for same group of people to meet up"? guess no one can tell..perhaps end of the yr at Double J's wedding?lol..So everyone must make it happen k^^
Having this friendship is like a gift i have never dreamt of..take good care of yourself JH and will miss u. All the best in your life, study, love, relationship and may God bless u abundantly throughout the years ahead...As our lives change, we will still be Friends Forever!!!
Saturday, 1 September 2007
Britain`s Got Talent - Paul Potts
"Some small small characters can make people suprise too by their talents" (a quote from my friend who recommended this video to me)^^Indeed what he said is true!!!
thanks dude for the sharing of this video~
Friday, 31 August 2007
Lots to be grateful for my 21st birthday^^
I seem to have been rather slack at the blogging thing recently due to mountains of assignments and mid semester exams, but I feel a blog specially about my 21st birthday is a must..haha..hmm i`m officially 21 years on this earth now..That’s quite some time, isn’t it? haha^^
Okay my birthday is a time to give thanks! Firstly i would like to give a huge ThankYou to my parents. Then ThankYou to those who remember my birthday, bday blessings, dinners, presents etc. Well,i have got hundred of photos, here`s some of my favourites.
Birthday dinner (24/8/07) at JUJU Japanese Restaurant *THANKS guys for the dinner and making the night special
Lastly many BIG BIG THANKS to God. I was reminded how great and awesome God has been to me for the past 21 years for loving me, guide me and grow me. i feel grateful for His amazing grace.I hope my life can shine for Him and be a blessing to others^^
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Unto You~
Recently, one of my close friend is facing some problems. i really hope i`m by her side and give her encouragement and support. So,this song is specially dedicated to her. Life are never easy; but needless to say God always there for us. My friend, place yourself unto our Lord, He will lead u through the obstacles in life~
My dear friend i`m always here praying for u~The road of life is not always smooth!Please do count me in to walk with u~i have faith in u because u are willing to put in effort and got the determination to make it, don`t worry your effort will surely lead you to success~May God be with u~Emmanuel!
Saturday, 18 August 2007
mY very 1st baking experience with Huiyih~
Here we go~~
We are only half way done and we already truly proud of our creation. (see i`m smilling)keke~
well, the simple act of spending time in the kitchen became the highlight of Friday nite especially when some1 sharing the same joy with u~agree?thanks Huiyih^^
need to be extra careful when rolling since they are so "fragile" i would advise to use both hands to roll!But make sure to wash ur hands before doing this~keke!!
hmm, actually i'm not a super huge fan of vanilla.i think it would be best if it is on green tea flavour.too bad i din manage to buy green tea powder during late night on friday..sobsob~ anyway,vanilla also nt bad lar^^
Finally, it`s time for us to sit down & relax~eating,chatting while reading magazines before go to bed=P
Thursday, 16 August 2007
Simpsonized myself~~~

Well for those people who dont know where to have fun simpsonized yourself. You can visit
Have fun!!!
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Welcome to my world!!!
Well i know i`m a bit late due to my laziness..sorry folks~~keke~~anyway,this blog is random bits of my life and things that i wanna share with everyone~so ppl feel free to post up your comments or WHATEVER things u want to tell or share with me!!!
happy viewing~~
Must say hello!
Can't believe my last post was 5 years ago! 5 years, so many things has changed, a lot of things has happened and so much to share! I r...
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It's all about my bottom left wisdom tooth, because I have been suffered pain from wisdom tooth growth and COUNTLESS night of sleeplessn...