Friday, 9 October 2009

WICKEDly wonderful

I am always a Broadway Musical fan. Knew that WICKED is coming Sydney and kept hearing all the positive reviews around, how could i resist it!? so i bought the most expensive ticket and dragged some friends went. Well at first i was worried that it wouldn't live up to all the praise i had heard, but IT DID!!!! It was really awesome I was totally blown away. Oh surprisingly Bert Newton (right in the picture below) is on stage playing wizard in show, I has only saw him in TV. Amanda Harrison on his right is my favorite character of the night, playing "Elphaba". She's very pretty without green make-up, i saw her real person picture in the show booklet, well that signature green ROCKS too!!

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Proofreader's Feedback for Fellow Groupmates

俗语说的好,‘三个臭皮匠,等于一个诸葛亮’,可不是吗?我Construction Technique 组总共四人,等于1.25 个诸葛亮一下子就把assignment搞定!以下是本组proofread同学给予组员的意见,(¥粉好笑的]:


1. GRACE是放最多sub heading的,都用到了heading 5了...
2. GRACE放的图片超级卡,有几张图片卡了我好几分钟,不知道为啥,每次到你那图片就卡。
4. JOVI是最爱玩弄图片跟文字排版的,调一下他的图片,整个版面就乱了,不知道他怎么放的,不信你们试试。还有很多都差点超出MARGIN了.
5. ROBIN是heading最少的...
6. 我是放最多REFERENCE的..哈哈!


Wednesday, 30 September 2009

Heavenly Melody BLESSING to You

Good news OZ! The voice of Heavenly Melody will reach Australia from 30/11- 7/11. They will spend 2 days 30/11 & 31/11 conducts 2 outreach meetings here in Sydney, how great! Wants to know more details read here.
What a lovely great theme they have - BLESSINGS TO YOU. Tickets on sale $5 per entry. Limited time and tickets selling fast. i will pre-purchase the ticket from Rev. Lee Kau. Anyone else interested? Hands up!" oh wait, leave me a comment is better. Act now!

Ain't that good new><

Saturday, 26 September 2009

love lovingly Eggtart


Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Beautiful Voice

Dusty Sydney

I was so 'wowed' by the yellowish-dusty sky when i stepped out of my house this morning. As many of you knew and for those who don't know yet, Sydney experienced the worst duststorm ever in Australia. Read here. Too bad i missed the reddish sky which occurred in the earlier morning.

Dusty yellowish sky taken on 10am from upper campus UNSW

I bet you couldn't recognize that's me due to haze-like weather. (Maybe not?!haha)

Floor outside the lecture hall

Dust blew all day, dust is everywhere...okay my house needs cleaning now [grind teeth+ headach-ing]

Saturday, 29 August 2009

Ticket to Heaven, Absolutely Free!

Photo taken with Rev John Chan from Malaysia
YES my bestie she just got herself a free-ticket to the heaven. And everlasting life! AWESOME! Such a great day to remember - 29/8/2009!!! I think i am happier than her..haha...nono, Our Lord Jesus is the happiest.

Congratulation to E!!!



Supervisor: "When you see problems, don't run away, take the challenges, solve it. Thesis is meant for you to struggle. nothing easy about it..."




"Happy completing your thesis!"


Wednesday, 26 August 2009

small comment make big changes

G: Hi Sid.
S: Hi Grace. How's study?
G: Quite good, been really busy. I'm doing Project management with you...
S: What'd you think?
G: Hmm still alright, but i reckon it's too much effort workload and time consuming.

...The conversation went on but not important...

On the same day evening, i received an email notified the students the 4 hours-lecture for tomorrow is cancelled, How great!!! In the email he mentioned that he heard student complaining the heavy workload of this particular course... Of-course la got some other associated technical problem, however, don't know why i am delighted when i saw the lecturer takes my words into account. I guess this happens to everyone when others really listen.

Yeah i have more time for my thesis! Great!

Friday, 21 August 2009

Friday Early Bday Surprise

Received this anoymous card today and surprisingly, it's from Sydney.

Nice card, isn't it...

Okay next, sender kept telling me how nice stamp she got for me!haha..let see....

I just knew that it costs 55¢ to send a postcard or standard letter within Australia. and it only took this card to reach me in a day. That's EFFICIENT! Thanks Postman!

Yeah Smileys
~Thank E for being so supportive and always there for me.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009


谢谢dd送的CDs和 Songs books. They are all purchased from the Claymusic official website and delivered all the way from United States (Thanks to E's sister for the favorur). hehe, that's why i said they are 飘洋过海的礼物. (Blogging while listening to the cd song - Stay with me陪我)

Story under one roof

Under one roof, sometimes things can be very nasty. Landlady said something that pissed me off yesterday and it really upset me. I was at first wanna fight back but i didn't. (Luckily i didn't because i was emotional at that time) so i walked away and back to my room.

I can't get over it and i hope to clear things up and to make sure this will not happen again in the future, i prayed to God after that i wrote her a notes together with 2 goodies that EngPei gave. I can tell she might like them.

This isn't the end of the story yet. So the next day my landlady approached me and apologized , we then sat down and later it ended up us chithcating for an hour.Haha .. now i am happy, she is happy. Everyone is happy! Such sweet relief =)

Saturday, 1 August 2009


发觉我最近都在吃面包欸,连landlady都说 ‘wah, you really like to eat bread a lot..’ ,hmm 我也不是很爱吃面包啦,只是有买就吃咯,我会不会已经入乡随俗成了面包人啊?!!那倒还好,我只是不想吃太多,胖到像包就不好了。

Newcastle blue sky and seas

从Newcastle回来也有一段时间了,看回在那里拍的照片,个人觉得这几张照片一定要和大家分享! 想念那里的碧海蓝天哦~~

一大早就被阿Jess drag去山顶看日出


来到海边吹海风 (大家都喊冷....)





Lived at new place for about one week now and landlady has also returned from Malaysia. Reformation has now begun. Hmm what should i say about her?!

Well she can be bossy sometimes, for eg 'like you cant do this or do that, don't put things here, don't buy these brocolli they are not fresh, and bla bla bla but i still can bear with it. She's still better than what i expected tho, at least make my life more oriented?!~!!!. Oh i shall say i enjoy the quiet environment and treasure the very good qualilty sleep at night which i have longing for so long. Worth it!!!!! And also, a nice housemate =P

Wednesday, 29 July 2009


这几天都一直想着家乡美食,特别特别想吃古晋烧包!Miri 也有的买烧包啦,可是古晋烧包比较好吃。我想不止这样,是想念家乡的人和事吧。特别是小凤,她现在还昏迷不醒,真的很叫人担心!我不能为她作什么,只能为她祷告和叫更多人为她祷告。



Monday, 27 July 2009

Eyes on God's Kingdom

Very sad and worried because mum told me XiaoFong( She's my churchmate in Miri, and we went to Youth fellowship everyweek together) has a stroke on her right side of body and couldnt speak. Latest update was that she is unconscius now. [Sigh-ing] Life is so unpredictable...

Today i had received an email from Mee. In the replied email, I share a bible verse with her and at the same time also a reminder for myself.

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves in heaven. (Matthew 6:19-20)

Everything on earth is temporary and we should put our eyes for God's kingdom and eternity because pleasing God is all that matters.

*Please pray for XiaoFong! Hope to hear good news from her and pray that God comforts her family. Amen

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Stomach, I am sorry


Saturday, 25 July 2009


身边两位好友D和H谈恋爱了,really happy for them^-^ (想想我也有一点贡献,算是他们的‘半’个红娘。。不赖不赖。。哈哈)

New home new environment new heart

I has moved!!!Live in Kingsford still, but this place is a lot quiet than previous place =)

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Happy bday to MJJ

23/6/2009 Day to remember: MJJ's 22th birthday, bought him Max Brenner's chocolate, my first time got on the Sydney Tower, first time had buffet inside..and first time seeing nice night view of Sydney City from top...COOL!!! and must-to-mention, wore new shoes today and my feet are killing me..sore and tired...

p.s Thanks to E for the favour =p



昨晚和E,B,CK 一同相约去听音乐会,感觉还不错。。Thanks Kath for the free tickets!
这来临星期将会超级忙,不是为了学业,而是为了我身边爱的人和事,这一切都值得 ^-^ ~!!!

Thursday, 11 June 2009





Tuesday, 9 June 2009


整个semester都在马不停蹄地为我的thesis打拼,来来回回consult了很多次supervisor, 也交了很多的东西,常常都是信心满满的去,通常呢都偏体鳞伤的离开他的办公室。上个星期把 task 1 和 task 2 一起交了,一直都在等待supervisor的 comment,心里头很担心很紧张我都没跟别人说,我想不太会表达,也不太愿意把自己不开心的事告诉别人吧。

终于,今天得到replied,评语还不赖哦!哈哈 !!!还叫我keep going ...真的很开心,爽啊!!! 真的 have to keep going 还要keep it up 叻。I am expecting a thumbs-up like this next time!!!!Wuakaka!

Monday, 8 June 2009

Rejoices in Your love


I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me. {Psalms 13:6}

Wine Yes or No?

Well i thought i am okay to drink wine since last time i thought i have wine-allergy and who knows...

I went to El Bulli Spanish Restaurant with Kath and Sandra. I had 2-3 glasses of Sangria (Spanish wine) yesterday then developed red allergy patches on different parts of my body as well as stuffy nose and a bit shortness of breath. Hmm I guess it must be something about the wine. I think i may only react to wines that have the higher level of sulfites (sometimes i am alright when i drink wines).

Today i slept till very late until i was conscious because yesterday i didn't have a good night sleep at all. As the topic rightly suggested -> wine YES or NO ? Things to ponder....

Friday, 5 June 2009








加油, 神与你們同在。


Thursday, 4 June 2009

Friday, 29 May 2009


Thesis proposal and literature review handed in..long way to go...

Still, many things need to be done,

I want my life back!!! and seriously,

I need break [SHOUTED]!!!

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Brand new day - Refreshed

Heavenly Father, please forgive i let fear and worried manipulate my thought lately. I am your child, i know no matter what is happening around me, You always there. And thanks for sending many angels to care and pray me. I sing praise to you. Today I put my hope in You so that I can move forward in the blessing you have for me. In Jesus´ Name. Amen.

Friday, 22 May 2009


朋友们知道我最近学业压力大,今天突然来个突击。D, E & H 竟然在我家冒出来,还有那顽皮的E还躲起来给我另个惊喜。。哈哈!


哎哟,这下可不得了, 贴心到我今晚睡不着了啦~

Thursday, 21 May 2009

Saturday, 16 May 2009

Quality vs quantity fellowship

Cell group of mine had gathering at my place tonight, we watched a Christian-themed drama called 'The Miracle Box'. Although we only had 4 members joined, but i personally think that it was good enough, i really thank God for this number '4'. Well not saying that i wasn't ambitious enough but i learn (or choose) to focus on the quality time the group spent together; but not merely worry about the number of people joining. I strongly believe that God has his own plan, we don't need to worry about that part, we as His disciple we just need to do our own part, the rest we just leave it to God.

After the movie we had a little time sharing part. Sitting on the carpeted floor, with the light turned off and only had a tiny dim light of a candle, we shared and prayed for each other. Everyone enjoyed and we all went home with a refreshed heart.

Thanks God for the precious moment we had today, i sing praise to the Lord ^^

Australian Ballet :The Nutcracker - The story of Clara

A friend invited me to watch this classical Graeme Murphy's Nutcracker - The Story of Clara at Sydney Opera House on Friday evening, performed by Australian Ballet, with Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra. The story is about a Russian ex-ballerina, her dream brought her back to the the time of her rich and eventful dancing life during her young age. There we seen a lot of stunning ballet performance which are luscious and breath-taking.

We had really perfect seating in the theatre, we sat on fourth row and right in the middle. How great! This is my first time watched ballet performance, a totally stunning showpiece of performance. Love it =P

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

my baby SAM

I finally bought Samsung Laser printer today, which i supposed to buy early March..keke

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Sugar- high Tues

Met supervisor today, outcome was good. he's happy i happy too =P

Went to David's birthday dinner after uni..great dinner, great people and great food!

2nd round went to Passion flower..ordered icecreams, waffles, crepes and etc.(tat's why i said sugar high Tues)

David the birthday boy he got free dessert specially for him. How great is that!

okay time for bed..had been busy for the whole day.

oh ya Happy Birthday to David once again!!!

and Goodnight everyone!

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

心情 bits and pieces





Monday, 27 April 2009

something that brighten up my thesis-ing daysssss

lost direction...
longing for fresh air...

Despite all these, feel so blessed, thanks to ahDra for the non-stop supply of Bakers Delight blueberry scones and mocha hot cross buns that brighten up my days and....contribute to my waistline=P Can't help~They are too addictive !

Sunday, 12 April 2009

sickie sick

I think i am sick..maybe because of the changing weather...Sigh I'm unable to join my friend's birthday party tonight. Gonna rest at home, keep the germs to myself.

Anyway still wishing Reza the birthday boy Happy birthday!!!!

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Love Life in Taiwan

最近许多台湾艺人都响应Love Life这慈善活动...本人看了他们所制作的短片,真的很感动!大家来响应,大家来 love life 吧!Click here to enter their official website.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

FHL Chinese Youth Group 出炉了

FHL (Faith, Hope, Love) 信望爱青年小组诞生啦!愿神大大加给我们力量!

Monday, 23 March 2009



Friday, 20 March 2009

When things don't go your way

当事情顺利时,喜乐是相当容易的。 But when things don't go your way or when a tough thing happened, it is really hard to be joyful or thankful in any sense. 喜乐何来容易 ,对吧?


Thursday, 19 March 2009


我回:“Final year 了,时间过的实在快啊!”
我回:“没, 我毕业后就回去!”

讲着讲着心里酸溜溜的。悉尼这地方有太多美好回忆。 教会,团契,大学,housemates, ,还有我一班很要好很‘麻吉’(E对这有意见?!!haha)的crime-partners,真的好不舍得他们哦!


P/s: 在悉尼四年了, 就连Blue Mountain 都还没去叻!pai-seh pai-seh *^_^*

D.E.F.G Yeah!!!
在Bondi Beach 搞怪时摄!
珍惜和你一起的事奉 Dorcas and thanks for listening and sharing, Kath.
团契有你们真好!很高心认识你 哦 Jess

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Get Set....go...(long way to go)

This is my final year and i am doing thesis writing this year. Quite nervous at first because it is totally new things for me.

Met with my thesis supervisor today and showed him what i have done so far...All good=P Thanks God he's been helpful and supportive...Hope things will go smoothly onwards. A lot of works ahead that need to be done, research, readings, borrow books, returning books, carrying books back home...etc...

I have to learn to enjoy the challenge :)

Thursday, 12 March 2009

2009 The Most Fuel-Efficient Cars

tada...Toyota Prius the greenest car! For those who wanna buy a new car, go for Prius..CHANGE the world!

Thursday, 26 February 2009

When he met her

Quite surprisingly there is this, one of my guy friend he called me quite often lately to share with me his thought and feelings towards a girl he admires a lot...what he worried are those stupid old ages 'chasing-girls' rules! hmm i would say if you find her a girl worthy to go after, there is no time for second thoughts. Be brave brother! Ask her out for dinner and buy her a flower bouquet! Don't miss the chance!!

Monday, 23 February 2009

Saturday, 7 February 2009



Monday, 2 February 2009


Anyohaseyo!!!!!I'm just back from South Korea yesterday!!!

Everything is really excellent..the food, the accommodation, the people, the tour guide, the assigned tour leader, the photographer, the shopping, sightseeing etc...except for one thing... i fell sick during the last day of the trip and till now i am still not 100% recover yet! There gone all my 'Bainian' mood.

hmm as someone said to me that i must be eaten too much during the trip, oh well , judging from the body weight scale at home, i did not gain weight after the trip lea...oh well i have to admit that i did ate a lot of Kimchi. haha..For me, Kimchi and Korea steam rice (Korean Bab) good enough to satify my appetite. oh for those who doesnt know this. Kimchi is one of the healthiest food in the world!!!check this out!

Last time family and i (except my youngest sis-Chaijie) visitied South Korea was 10 years ago, when i was still in primary school. It’s amazing to me how quickly time passes. Now, I am already in the 20++ age group eii.oh my oh my~~This time we joined the 8 days 6 night tour, depart from KK using Asiana Airline.

Well i should stop here and let the pictures do the talking =)

-wearing Korean traditional costumes

- @ Nami Island. Many episodes of Winter Sonata are set here, the most well known is the scene of the two lovers-Pei Yong Jun & Chui Zhi You riding on a bicycle.

- Taking photo with mascots of the Everland in Seoul, Korea

so excited!!learn to make Kimchi~

-shopping at Ladies street.

From left to right: my mama, my papa, and Dr. Lee Sang Soo (CEO of SangSoo HerbLand). They were feeding my mama flower rice.

- At FIFA 2002 World Cup Stadium

- Riding cable car from northern theme park to southern theme park

picture taken on the coldest day Korea 2009...freezzzzzing~~

-us and our family friends and hottest tour guide from KK who accompanied us to Korea-Miss Queenie at the skiing field

- Photo taken during the herb tour @ Sangsoo Herbland. Behind us are some designed rooms to keep those rare herbs, which physiologically cannot survive through the Korean winter.

'you mo you yan o'

- After attempting to brake down a slope during ski but failed!

- holding our flower rices and very special flower bowl

Must say hello!

Can't believe my last post was 5 years ago! 5 years, so many things has changed,  a lot of things has happened and so much to share! I r...