Last Friday the party hosted @ my place was a great success. We had 15 guests coming, bringing nice and tasty yum yum great food. thanks people! It was a great night i would say!Lots of yummy food, lots of laugh, lots of game, everyone had great time...!!!I would like to thanks someone (you know who you are) who helped me to carry those really ubersuperduber heavy stuffs all the way from somewhere far far far to my place, and thanks so000 much for coming earlier to help me setting up the place etc..really apppeciate it!![hugs]!and thanks to Dearie Yandy who dotes on me a lot who insisted to carry those heavy steamboat food for me and i only need to carry some lightweight stuffs.. I am so blessed. (Thanks guys!!!)
Well, here's some photos taken by F's camera of the big nite!!