Friday 5 November 2010


有时候我真的没办法压抑自己的负面情绪,它总是使我忧虑,很想放弃。可是,有太多的声音说不可以,我很难过。 我不太和人倾诉因为我知道这样反而使自己,也使别人厌烦。我只好在这里涂鸦,朋友们不要问发生什么事,其实也没什么大不了,就请为我祷告,求神赐我喜乐的心吧!


Katherine said...

=( will pray for u.. i guess it's just a season which will pass soon.. be joyful and stay positive!

Chai Lim Grace said...

i think you know what am i worried about:( thanks Kath for the comforts

Katherine said...

know that there are a lot of friends and family around you who will be willing to listen. that includes me!! =)

Dorcas said...

Take care my friend!!!

Chai Lim Grace said...

Thx Dorcas. Are you going Singpore on Dec? i just back from S city! bought myself a Prada wallet:)

Must say hello!

Can't believe my last post was 5 years ago! 5 years, so many things has changed,  a lot of things has happened and so much to share! I r...