Today i received a letter from a friend. i was like really surprised...and touched...i always be thankful to God for this friendship^^
Last word for my dear friend (u know who you are)--- Am treasuring you treasuring the friendship am treasuring every moment we spent together~!!!![super duber warmy hug specially for you]!!!!!cheers to our friendship~!!!
Gracie, *Hug* =)
oh well..i know who are u ano!!!!hahaha so far only 2 ppl owes call me grac-ie...haha
Gracie,guess who am i...
hmm...tricky...u must be the F and the one before you is wont get it wrong this time~!!!wuakaka
but y ano...?!!!
WOW, it is tricky...the following sentence is for the above "Anonymous":
"We don't know who you are, we don't know what your want, If you are looking for girls here, we can tell you we don't have any, but what we do have, we have a very particular set of skills, skills that are required for a very long career, skills that make us a nightmare for people like you, if you go away now, that will be the end of it, but if you don't, we will look for you, we will find you, and we will laugh at you."
耳力差 & 法烂屎 上
lol who is ano 2 then?hmm tricky~!!!
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